
Got a great place for BBQ?

BubbaQue's is the place!


Where there is Smoke there is Bubbaque's

Our journey began in Levy County, Florida, a small town known for its appreciation of great food. Since 2008, when we opened the first BubbaQue's, we've been expanding steadily, adding one or two new locations each year as our neighbors request our delicious BBQ. Our goal is to have a BubbaQue's in every neighborhood across America, because we believe, "there's a little Bubba in everyone!"

BubbaQue's Franchise FAQ

How soon can I open? How long does the process take?

From first inquiry to opening of the restaurant, the process takes about 4 to 8 months (depending on a number of factors, including site availability).

What is my initial investment?

The initial single-unit franchise fee is $25,000. Estimated initial investment required for a single restaurant ranges from $151,250 to $277,500. Click here to see your estimated initial investment.

What are the royalty and advertising fees?

Royalty is 5% of sales; advertising is 2% of sales. The 2% advertising fee is broken up into two parts: 1% is focused on local advertising efforts and 1% funds national advertising efforts.

Can I own more than one unit? And how can I be assured of future locations?

Yes, you may own more than a single unit. You can lock up additional locations by signing a development agreement for multiple units. For the development rights to a geographic area, a nonrefundable payment equal to 50 percent of the total franchise fee for each store to be opened in the area is required upon signing the multiple unit development agreement. Then, the initial franchise fee for each store is reduced by half and due upon signing the franchise agreement. You will select a territory from those currently available; it will be a protected territory. At that time, we will agree upon the number of stores to be opened and timetable for opening them.

How many employees does it take to operate a unit?

Expect to hire 10 to 15 full and part-time employees.

What support will I receive going forward?

You will receive marketing and advertising support (emphasizing a neighborhood-marketing methodology) through your Area Representative and our advertising agency (Devine Communications). In addition, you’ll benefit from ongoing training, research and development of new products, regular dialogues with your AR, operations support and periodic business counseling.

What are the requirements for an operating partner?

We only allow operating partners who are solely devoted to their BubbaQue's business. The operating partner must also have a minimum of 50% ownership. The operating partner cannot be actively engaged in other business interests that potentially detract from the optimum performance of their BubbaQue's restaurant(s).

Do I have to live in the same market where I operate my restaurant(s)?

Yes, in order to effectively manage your business, you must reside within a distance we determine to be satisfactory.


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